Happy Axolotl: Why Is My Axolotl Smiling?

Having an axolotl as your pet can be a little tricky due to their unidentified emotions or facial projections. Sometimes, you can notice an axolotl smiling, but that doesn’t mean that they are happy. They just have a naturally smiling face that makes you think that they are joyful. So, is it possible to know how your axolotl feels?

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How to Tell if Your Axolotl is Happy

Well, it depends on your curiosity to figure it out. You can use your spare time to observe your pet. Try to understand how axolotls behave and the meaning of their movements. Some owners can see their axolotl floating and swimming. It is also a sign that your axolotl is happy. They are floating because they are relaxing and enjoying the water’s quality.

If they have a tank mate, you can determine that they are happy if your axolotl doesn’t start a fight, and they just happily roam around the corner of the tank. It is quite rare because axolotls can do well alone or in solitary mode. They tend to quarrel, and worst, axolotls can eat their tank buddy.

How to Make Your Axolotl Happy

In general, axolotls are happy when they are healthy. They eat well and do not show any signs that they have health problems, simply because they are contented. The axolotl’s gill can also tell if they are happy. Their big and colorful beautiful gills means that they are healthy. Your pet axolotl can stay delightful as long as you keep trying to give the best possible care for them.

The right owner will ensure the safety and proper care for their axolotls. If you are hands-on and happy to serve your axolotl, then probably you have many years to enjoy together.

Do Axolotls Feel Affection?

Just like humans, axolotls have feelings too.  They have constant feelings whenever their owners are around. They react based on the way you treat them. Indeed, axolotls can feel your warm affection by showing that you care for them and treating them like your own. Although they cannot bond as humans do, there may be times you don’t notice that they are showing their affection whenever you are hand feeding them.

When you feed an axolotl, you are giving them the benefit to become close to you. Axolotls become very open to you, and little by little, they will show unusual gestures as a sign that they are comfortable around you.

But most of the time, they are not cuddly nor affectionate as cats and dogs are. But still, axolotls have distinct and fascinating personalities and are known as an intelligent creature that everyone would love and be delighted to own one.

Do Axolotls Like People?

Somehow, axolotls can attract people through their presence. They are not your typical amphibian as they can spend their entire life underwater. Axolotl’s cute tiny frills and smile are undeniably fascinating. You don’t usually see that kind of animal in everyone’s home. The axolotl is like a lizard, dragon, and frog trapped in one body.

But do axolotl like humans? In the wilderness, they do not care about people because they don’t see one in lakes or swamps. But domesticated ones are likely to react excitedly whenever their owner is near or beside the axolotl tank.

Axolotls naturally give joy to their owners. During feeding time, they start to swim and dance because of the happiness that they are feeling. When they become familiar with you, if someone shows up near the tank they don’t usually see, they tend to ignore them and hide in their caves.

What makes axolotl get stressed?

One of the challenging experiences that pet owners will encounter is seeing their pet experiencing stress. Trying to figure out how you can make them feel comfortable is not easy, but it takes patience to know the process. Here are few main reasons why they would feel stressed inside their homes.

  • The water temperature is getting hotter – above 21°C or 70°F
  • High levels of contamination in the water
  • Choking hazards
  • Territorial dispute against other water creatures or other axolotls
  • Starvation
  • Unhealthy diet

An axolotl can give signs that they are stressed. You can tell it by their movement, or they stop doing their daily routines. This pet can also be exposed to different types of illness if you allow it. Luckily, you can prevent it. However, there will be a point in their life where they will experience this. Instead of blaming yourself, think of immediate solutions for their discomforts. Axolotls get stressed when the temperature is too high and too low. With that, the axolotl can develop white patches on their skin and may lead to serious health complications.

When your axolotl stops eating, it could be because of the water parameters. Remember to change the temperature of the tank whenever a new season is approaching, like winter. An axolotl that does not like to eat can be a sign of constipation or other illness. When that happens, consult a veterinarian.

It may be fun to watch, but seeing your axolotl swimming upside down is a warning that needs an immediate response to the experts because they are acting that way seriously. It might be a severe issue. Swimming upside down is because of high toxicity levels, serious infections, and over and underfeeding.

How to keep your axolotls happy?

Making an axolotl happy requires an effort for you to execute. It’s simple, take good care of your axolotl, and it will make them happy, just like when humans are treated well. While you are taking good care of your axolotl, you can make them contented with the service you are providing.

Start it by making sure that their tank is their comfort zone. A well-maintained environment is a happy place for the axolotls. Make sure that you maintain the right heat. The ideal temperature for an axolotl is between 60° and 70° Fahrenheit or around 16°-21° Celsius.

Provide your axolotl the nutritious diet. You can serve frozen bloodworms from the local pet store, or you can feed them with earworms from pesticide-free soil. You don’t have to feed your axolotl every day, give them food every other day for half an hour. Giving them the right diet will make them happy and healthy.

One of the reasons why axolotl become stress is because of the tank’s water quality. To prevent this, regularly change the water. Every once a week, remove at least 50% of the water from the tank. Replace it with fresh water. Tap water is safe to use if you have a filter installed in the tank. In their tank decoration, put a cave as their hiding place. Axolotls like to be isolated most of the time. So, providing them their mini shelter can make them happy and pleased. Usually, caves are in the form of flower pots, ceramic mugs, and coconut shells. If they are not roaming around the corner, they are in the caves, peacefully relaxing.

Another thing that makes axolotls happy is the minimal light in the tank. They find it cozy, just like how they exactly want it.

Giving them tank mates will cause stress because axolotls are independent aquatic creatures that need no other tank companions. They are known to be territorial, and once they feel like other species will invade their territory, they will prey on their mate. So, much better to keep them away from other species. Provide them a spacious area that they can call their own home. Focus on them and never fail to show them love and affection.

Axolotls can be happy if you spend time playing with them. You can look outside the tank and watch the axolotls in their little dance. The same goes with the axolotls. They are happy with your presence.

Although axolotls show only a few signs that they are happy, what is essential is that they are living a healthy lifestyle. Be a responsible owner to your axolotl and always treat them special.

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