Why Do Frogs Pee When You Pick Them Up?

Frogs are weird. You either love them or you hate them, there’s just no in-between. They’re slimy and they hop. They have weird croak-sounding voices and they’re not even that cute! But frogs aren’t just weird and slimy, they’re also fascinatingly smart and amphibious!

And they’ve got one of the most peculiar mating habits of any animal. Why do frogs pee when you pick them up? If you’ve ever wanted to know, read on to learn more!

Why Do Frogs Pee When You Pick Them Up?

There are several theories as to why frogs pee when picked up. While some experts believe it is simply a natural part of a frog’s defense system, others believe it is related to sexual selection.

If anybody repeatedly picks up a frog and then lets it go, he or she may become the frog’s preferred mate. This is referred to as inter-specific competition, and it is a common occurrence in the animal kingdom.

Frogs may secrete toxins through their skin, so washing one’s hands after handling a toad is absolutely necessary. They are also known to pee in self-defense, particularly when being picked up by a human.

Weird Frog Biology

These amphibians can absorb foreign objects from their body cavities into their bladders and excrete them through urination, according to researchers.

Frogs are an amazing group of animals! They are masters of disguise and can change their appearance to fit in with their surroundings.

They can even change the color of their skin to match the flowers they live in! Frogs also have impressive vocal capabilities.

They can produce sounds that are both surprising and relaxing, and are often described as sounding like a “slow croak.” These vocal capabilities have likely evolved as a way for frogs to attract mates.

Frogs Make Excellent Pets

Unlike many other animals, which are better off as pets away from their natural habitats, frogs can thrive in captivity. Many species of frogs are easy to keep and breed, and can even be found in pet stores and online.

They are generally docile but should be treated with respect. A terrarium is a good environment for most terrestrial frog species, provided it is large and secure.

A basic enclosure is best, with hiding places for the frog to relax. And the best part? Many frogs make excellent housemates, and can live together in harmony!

Frogs have captivated the world ever since they made their debut in folklore as magical creatures that could predict the future. Thanks to the recent surge in popularity of exotic pets, many people are now keeping frogs as pets.

If you’ve been curious about owning a frog as a pet, this article is for you. We’ll be discussing the many benefits of keeping frogs as pets and how to go about doing so. Keep reading to discover 7 good reasons why frogs make wonderful pets.

There are many reasons why keeping frogs as pets is a great idea. Let’s examine a few of them.

Adorable & Fun To Be Around

Most people think of frogs as being cute, but not many people would call them “cuddly”. Frogs, especially tropical frogs, are actually quite interactive. They enjoy interacting with you and your family and are quite loyal.

Most frogs will get along with other household pets if they are raised with them from a young age. If you’re looking for an interesting pet that is also quite fun to be around, a frog is a great choice.

Good with Children

Children are often fascinated by frogs. There is much to be learned about these animals through interaction with them, and frogs make great classroom pets.

Children learn about amphibian biology, how their bodies function, and the importance of protecting our environment through interaction with frogs.

And because frogs are non-poisonous, they make wonderful starter pets for children who are interested in animals but want a safer option than a dog or a cat.

Easy To Breed

Not as picky as Axolotls, frogs are generally quite easy to breed. This makes them an excellent choice for individuals who want to get into breeding exotic pets, or who are interested in breeding their own animals.

Because breeding is a natural process for frogs, there is very little that you as an owner have to do. Once you have your female (or male) these amphibians, they will do most of the breeding for you.

Less Maintenance Required

Frogs are generally very hardy animals. They don’t require as much maintenance as many other types of exotic pets. You don’t have to feed them frequently, and they don’t require any special housing.

All that you need is a source of humidity so that they don’t dehydrate, and a secure place for them to live. The only maintenance that you’ll need to do is to clean their cage once a month to remove any excess food and water.

Compatible With Most Living Spaces

Frogs are amphibians, which means that they spend their entire lives attached to water. This makes them very suitable for living in apartment dwellings, condos, ranches, and other places that don’t have an indoor pond or fountain nearby.

You can add a small aquarium to provide them with extra humidity or a wet/ dry humidifier to ensure that they stay hydrated. You can also set up an amphibian-friendly garden so that they have access to a source of food and water.

Educational & Interesting Pets

Frogs are fascinating animals that can teach you a lot about both amphibians and genetics. They are also a great way to get kids interested in biology and encourage an appreciation for nature.

Frogs are non-poisonous, which means that they make great starter pets for children. They are also easy to breed, which means that you can pass on your amphibian breeding knowledge to your children.

If you are interested in breeding frogs but don’t know where to start, we have several breeding guide articles for you.

Frogs also make great classroom pets. They are easy to keep, and their large and colorful bodies make them great for showing to children. Taking care of frogs also teaches kids about the importance of being clean and healthy, as caring for this pet requires you to clean its habitat regularly.


Frogs are weird. You either love them or you hate them, there’s just no in-between. They’re slimy and they hop. They have weird croak-sounding voices and they’re not even that cute! But these amphibians aren’t just weird and slimy, they’re also fascinatingly smart and amphibious!

And they’ve got one of the most peculiar mating habits of any animal. Why do frogs pee when you pick them up? If you’ve read from start to here, you already got the answer!

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